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Health Office

 We promote & protect the health of MCE students through a positive, constructive school health & education program

Welcome to the MCE Health Office
Phone: (585)267-1440
Fax:  (585)218-1441

We have a new universal email listed below.  Please use it for all health office related communication.

Debbie Langstein RN ACNP School Nurse Teacher

Amber Farr, RN School Nurse 

Kristen Hans RN School Nurse Teacher

Absences Due to Illness
Please call the attendance line at (585) 267-1409 before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.

  • If you are not sure about sending your child to school please call the health office (585)267-1440

  *When To Keep your Child Home* 

  • A fever of 100.4F /38C  or greater
  • Has had a fever of 100.4 F /38C or greater in the last 24 hours
  • Has vomited in the last 24 hours
  • Has had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
  • Has a runny nose/nasal congestion  that is difficult for your child to manage
  • Has a persistent cough that is difficult for your child to manage
  • Has been on medication for an infection for less  than 24 hours (exception is Strep Throat. This only requires 12 hours of antibiotics)
  • Students must be free from diarrhea and/or vomiting  and/or fever (temperature should less than 100.4F/38C ) without taking medication for a full 24 hours before returning.

It is very important that you inform us about your child's allergies and reaction to the allergen. Students with Food /Insect /latex/ or any other allergy requiring the use of an Epi pen must have an emergency care plan/Doctor's orders provided to the Health Office. Documents are only valid for the current school year. The emergency care plan/Provider's orders must be updated every school year.

Medication administered at school, Prescription and/or over-the-counter medications for example Ibuprofen, Tylenol, cough drops, topical ointment. require a signed note from the parent/guardian and your child's Doctor. The Doctor's note must have administration instructions. Doctor's orders/notes can be faxed to the Health Office at (585) 218-1441. Per New York State law, your child’s own supply of medication must be in the original container. All medication must be delivered to school by an adult. Students are not allowed to carry medication to school, be it prescription or over the counter.

Physicals and Screenings
Physicals completed by a doctor are required for new students and all students entering Kindergarten, 1,3,5  New York State requires they be on file in the Health Office within 30 days of the new school year or admittance to school for new students. Vision/Hearing and Height and Weight screenings are performed yearly in the school for grades K-5 on new students.  Fifth grade girls are screened for scoliosis. You will be notified if there are any concerns about screening results.

Immunizations must be up to date within 14 days of starting school.  NYS required Immunization

Illness while at School
We will contact you if your child becomes ill during school hours. Please assure that we have your most current contact information. If your information has changed please let us know.  If you cannot be reached, we will notify your emergency contact person.

Physical Education Excuses
All students are expected to participate in physical education classes. Gym excuses should be submitted in writing to the School Nurse. A physician’s statement is required if your child will miss two or more physical education classes, or will have limitations due to illness or injury. A student who has been excused from physical education will not be permitted to participate recess or after-school sport activities (e.g., roller skating) until they resume regular participation in the physical education program.

Classroom Parties/VIP Days/Birthdays
Birthday Parties and VIP Days are celebrated within the classrooms in a variety of ways. We do not use food items to celebrate birthdays/VIP days.  Please talk with your child’s teacher if you would like to recognize this special day in an alternative way. In accordance with our District Wellness Policy, teachers will work with parents in providing a balance of healthy foods for classroom parties. Foods provided for parties should be prepared in accordance with the District Food Policy. All food brought into school must be store- bought with ingredients label intact.